This summer marks a big, two-year anniversary for me and about 22 of my closest friends. June will mark the end of a major Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition campaign that I have been writing and working on for nearly three years. At current count, I have DM’d over 25 player-characters and several dozen NPCs that have helped forge the world of “Destinata.” Beginning at 1st-level, a group of seven intrepid adventurers set out in a world fraught with danger, treasure, and — yes, of course — a few dragons. Currently, six heroes set to close the story (they plan to achieve 23rd-level very soon). We have lost many brave souls over the two-year journey, and I thought it fitting to construct a literary monument in their honor. I have been chronicling their escapades in narrative form for about eight months now and will present their story here, on Pixelated Geek.
The story begins with a prophecy.