Last week, we talked about not judging ourselves for what we can and cannot do. This week, you get the fun stuff, noting what you can do and building off of that with your skills.
Like in every RPG, the basis of your skills starts off in your ability scores. I would like you to give yourself bonuses, starting off with 10+0 as a base score. You don’t have certain a limit of points to allocate; you can put in as much as needed. Benchmarks are: 10/11, normal adult; 12/13, above average (+1); 14/15, well above average (+2); 16-17, gifted (+3); and going all the way to 24-25, best ever peak of human capacity (+7). Be honest with yourself: your wisdom score isn’t 25 and you know it. Give yourself the normal six abilities STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, and CHA. Honestly, I would play a bit on the humble side for all of these.
Name: Justin Dean
STR: 14 (About 175 pounds is a heavy load; I know that from picking up roommates and squating them) +2
DEX: 12 (I can balance decently) +1
CON: 14 (I don’t get sick often) +2
INT: 15 (I am not dumb) +2
WIS: 14 (I am foolish but I try) +2
CHA: 16 (Apparently the same score as Han Solo according to the Star Wars RPG BUT we all know Han’s is much higher) +3
Read OnSkill Training (How to get +4 to Skill Checks) Part 2